My first post in a long time…

Dear Peeps,

It has been a long while, since I have done a blog or added photos of my latest art projects, and I have missed you all.

I have had the ‘blank paper syndrome’, since I have graduated from the ART PRACTICE degree, back last December, 2019, I have rusted over, due to not having to make posts and make art for assessment.

The past two weeks or so I have had a bit of a frenzy of productivity. Here are some of the results…

I will add captions to the photograph soon, I will just leave them here for now and see what you think I was aiming for etc, lol STAY SAFE in such LOVE YOU in such challenging time LOVE YOU ALL, xxx


Some research:

I will post some images and writey bits soon x




The border and the loose pieces were done by mystery jigsawer (my made up word).  It is funny, you go away for a few hours or so and come back to see what has been added by someone who has been and gone…


Close up of my first piece.


05:51 Weds 13/11/19

rgh I am seething still from last night!!!  To elucidate: I approached the Jigsaw table, only to find that the jigsaw was put back in the box, oh forgot to say that it was a new one-The Last Supper by Da Vinci. (watch this space) x




Lost and found.

This is my first post in months since completing the Degree, as I have felt so lost and have no purpose and no worth, as when I am not making art and expressing my emotions through Conceptual and Contingent Art I feel Lost.

It is a Jigsaw that is bringing me back, some semblance of myself.


This Jigsaw has helped me focus on one thing and a time and concentrating on one piece at a time, honing in on small details and sense of achievement at piecing it together, when it seemed an impossible task at the beginning has given me some hope and I don’t feel so useless.  I am struggling with self-esteem and self-worth at the moment.




The following 3 photographs made me laugh and reminded me of Acceptance:


Someone had pieced these together in what I term as a ‘bespoke’ way.  It reminded me of the Acceptance during year 2 and 3 of Fine Art Degree when I learn to embrace Chance and Contingent Art.

This ‘Community Jigsaw’ was completed by me yesterday evening.  There were 5 pieces left to complete it.  2 pieces were put in the wrong place, so it gave me the opportunity to be the one to complete it, which means a lot to me as I have worked hard on it over about 2 weeks.  Unfortunately there is 1 piece missing…


I will update soon.  Thank you for reading x







The following images are taken from a Taster Art for Well-Being Workshop which I delivered.  The aim was to use rescued materials to produce a piece of art/craft, using the weaving of paper strips on discarded cardboard display inserts salvaged with kind permission from a Manager, at a local Supermarket:








Bespoke, self-interpretation, once shown the a basic technique, was successful, and participant reported that stress-level which was previously 7 out of 10, after the activity, was down to 4 out of 10 and would definitely like to participate in a similar activity in the future and recommend to friends, as a relaxing  activity and the sense of well-being which came from socialisation around table, during activity, and she felt happy that she could make the craft piece her own.

Patterns: Surprising Finds.

THURSDAY/FRIDAY22/03/19, found in discarded cardboard box, in printer cartridges Dogs Trust cardboard collection box.



The War Bride, 12:00 14/11/2013, BBC2 England, 105 mins. (Accessed 11 Feb 2019)

I find the formation and placement of the repetition of the one shape inyeresting and beautiful.  The pattern conveys movement, even when the windmill is not moving.  I love the Incidental beauty that comes with functional design.

TUESDAY 12/02/19

hat pattern matches table

Source. KS fb

WOW lovely pattern on hat, matches the table a bit.

















The Parasol patterns, remind me of Geometric patterns and fairground carousel and ferris wheel.







Paul Eachus Installation

“paul eachus”

These are Collaborative Pieces with another artist in 2015, which were completed in 2018. I like the use of large space Installation and the array of Mixed Media, and that there is meaning behind the what I consider, a Chaotic Asthetic.

I like as Sculpting with Found/Discarded Objects, Prodominately Salvaged Recyclables. I see a Value in the Previously Disregarded items. Much like Raushenberg in his use of cardboard in the 1970’s.


Lloches/Shelter – Gareth Griffith

Thursday, December 29th, 2011. Accessed on 19/02/19.

“Gareths childhood memories of camping in a particular blue tent in Jamaica”
This quote has inspired me to explore my own childhood memories of structures where I felt safe.
My memory of how nice the new carpet in the living felt like, whilst I was sitting under the space under the stair. I felt safe, like a den, until the space got filled with shoes and storage boxes, and then I lost my ‘safe den space’. There was also a side board type cupboard in the corner of the living room when I was about age 3 to 9, that my Mum let me use to store some of my (very few) possessions. There was a make shift curtain across the open cupboard space and my Mum also let me put a blanket across that area, which made a triangle like area by a side of the settee. I felt safe in that space and it was a space that I could call my own. I shared a bedroom with my elder sisters and had ‘hand-me-down clothes and toys etc.
There was also a space under the dining table which was like a seat. It was a ‘beam’ which connected the ‘feet panels’. My Mum let my sister and I sit there to watch Television until we got too tall to fit under the table. I used to sit under the table with the ‘seat’ to lean on as I got older and only stopped in my late teens, as I still like the safe haven/sanctuary of the space.
07 May 2019
Generosity and kindness have found me again, well last week. As I was walking past a house which was having some renovations done, I saw some off cuts of carpet, which I thought might be ideal for me vision on a model/macquette to communicate my ‘carpet under the stairs’ childhood memory. I was a bit wary, as not all my encounters to pick up salvage of discarded objects have worked out over the past 4 years or so. I was lucky as the man on the step. fitting new hallway carpet was chatty, so, I was able to come away with some small off-cuts. The samples are of durable, high-traffic worsted, pewter grey carpet with a thick underlay. This has renewed my very dented faith in humanity. The other week a security guard at a city library tried to wrench a cardboard insert that I had collected earlier that afternoon, as he was adamant he was going to put it in the recycling box as he perceived it as rubbish and me as being difficult. Working with Discarded Objects, especially item which are generally perceived as rubbish or recycling. I am seriously thinking of creating a card/business artist card to say what I am collecting for with an image of one of my works.